
Search by the main part of a name. Don’t use words or numerals under 3 characters long, e.g. Sea Emerald is fine, Te Aroha is not but a search for just Aroha will find it. Galatea II won’t work but just Galatea will find it.
An overview of all my photos. Brief descriptions of Albums with links to contained galleries
The West Coast region of the South Island, New Zealand is bounded in the east by the great peaks of the Southern Alps and in the west by the often stormy Tasman Sea. Between is a long, narrow strip of hinterland with a myriad of lakes, rivers, forests and open country.

A selection of photos of the flora and fauna found on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Some are found throughout New Zealand while many are unique to here.

The west side of the South Island is New Zealand’s wettest region.The changing weather often brings beautiful and spectacular effects such as rainbows, sunsets, sunrises, and interesting cloud effects.

Galleries in this album focus on people and the various situations in which they may be found along with the human impact on the environment.

Boats coming in and out of the Port of Greymouth. The port is based in the Blaketown Lagoon. Boats come in and out from the Tasman Sea and must negotiate the mouth of the Grey River. In stormy conditions the passage can be quite hazardous.