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Coming Home at Sunset

Sunsets and Sunrises

The West Coast of the South Island in New Zealand is renowned for its spectacular sunsets. All along the coast views can be had of the sun as it sinks below the horizon over the Tasman Sea. Often around the time of the sunset clouds will form and take on brilliant shades of yellow, orange, crimson or pink. Often the colour reaches its peak after the sun has disappeared from view.

In the main urban centres of Hokitika, Greymouth and Westport visitors and locals alike will gather at favourite viewing spots to witness the event. Colourful sunrises are not nearly so common because the sun must first rise over the mountains but they do happen and they can be quite spectacular when they do.

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Search by the main part of a name. Don’t use words or numerals under 3 characters long, e.g. Sea Emerald is fine, Te Aroha is not but a search for just Aroha will find it. Galatea II won’t work but just Galatea will find it. 


Photos are in date order with the newest at the top.


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