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Point Elizabeth

Upping the ISO

I went out today with a lens I’ve had for some time but haven’t used in a while. It had been a useful addition to my camera bag back when I only had a couple of kit lenses for my E-3. Now I have the E-5 and a handful of professional lenses. I wanted to find out whether this lens ( a Sigma 400mm) could still have a use for me, so I took it down to Cobden Beach.


The view is of Point Elizabeth at the extreme northern end of Cobden Beach. I wanted to capture the movement of the waves rather than the milky effect that is achieved by slow speeds and in order to do that with the available light I had to use a higher ISO number which resulted in quite a bit of digital noise which can be seen most markedly in the sky. I’m not that that is such a bad thing though. It gives the image a grainy effect which might come out quite well on a canvas. I also played with converting to monochrome as noise is sometimes said to be more acceptable in that form. I’ll put my sepia version here for comparison. I don’t know which I prefer but I’m leaning a bit toward the coloured version. The image was shot at 1/320, f11, ISO 1250.

Point Elizabeth monochrome

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